The Miami area has a large Jewish community; 10.2% of the population was Jewish in the 2000 Census.[citation needed] There is also a sizable Muslim community numbering 70,000. Elkhorn coral near Key Largo, 6.1.2 Seminole Hurricane Charley in 2004 moving ashore on South Florida's Gulf of Mexico coast.
The Interfraternity Council (IFC) comprises 13 fraternities the Panhellenic Council (PC) is made up of 7 sororities the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) comprises 6 historically black organizations (4 fraternities and 2 sororities) the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) consists of 9 cultural organizations for Latinos Asians and South Asians (5 fraternities and 4 sororities). The Florida panther is close to extinction a record 23 were killed in 2009 mainly by automobile collisions leaving about 100 individuals in the wild the Center for Biological Diversity and others have therefore called for a special protected area for the panther to be established Manatees are also dying at a rate higher than their reproduction American flamingos are rare to see in Florida due to being hunted in the 1900s where it was to a point considered completely extirpated Now the flamingos are reproducing toward making a comeback to South Florida since it is adamantly considered native to the state and also are now being protected. Along the causeway onto Virginia Key is a long strip of bay front popular with windsurfers and sailors called Hobie Beach after the Hobie Cats that set sail from the shore It's also the only Miami-area beach that allows dogs Nearby rest rooms and a great view of the curving shoreline make this an ideal place for tailgate parties. Besides Flagler Street Downtown has two other major shopping areas Bayside Marketplace and Mary Brickell Village in Brickell Bayside Marketplace was built in 1987 and is one of Miami's most visited tourist attractions averaging over 15 million visitors a year it is an outdoor shopping mall overlooking Biscayne Bay at Bayfront Park Bayside Marketplace has many national retail chains as well as local Miami stores Mary Brickell Village is on Miami Avenue and SE 10th Street in Brickell Mary Brickell Village is a major nightlife area and has many of Miami's upscale bars and restaurants that stretch along Miami Avenue from around SE 6th Street to Broadway (SE 15th Road), Lakeside Green Bayside Marketplace FIU Arena 1986 Miami Florida Business directory County roads. (28.2) 79.5 Climate 3.2 Settlements, British American Business Council, Florida Grand Opera The first airport on the site of MIA opened in the 1920s and was known as Miami City Airport Pan American World Airways opened an expanded facility adjacent to City Airport Pan American Field in 1928 Pan American Field was built on 116 acres of land on 36th Street and was the only mainland airport in the eastern United States that had port of entry facilities Its runways were located around the threshold of today's Runway 26R Eastern Airlines began to serve Pan American Field in 1931 followed by National Airlines in 1936 National used a terminal on the opposite side of LeJeune Road from the airport and would stop traffic on the road in order to taxi aircraft to and from its terminal Miami Army Airfield opened in 1943 during the Second World War to the south of Pan American Field: the runways of the two were originally separated by railroad tracks but the two airfields were listed in some directories as a single facility Following World War II in 1945 the City of Miami established a Port Authority and raised bond revenue to purchase Pan American Field which had been since renamed 36th Street Airport from Pan Am it merged with the former Miami Army Airfield which was purchased from the United States Army Air Force south of the railroad in 1949 and expanded further in 1951 when the railroad line itself was moved south to make more room the old terminal on 36th Street was closed in 1959 when the center modern passenger terminal (since greatly expanded) opened United States Air Force Reserve troop carrier and rescue squadrons also operated from the airport from 1949 through 1959 when the last unit relocated to nearby Homestead Air Force Base (now Homestead Air Reserve Base). 4.1 Athletics 1890 861 235.0% Dry season 17.4 inches (44 cm) 30.9 inches (78 cm) 7.3 inches (19 cm). .
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